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Opening the Heart to Jesus with a Course in Miracles

The following is an excerpt from a talk with David Hoffmeister, A Course in Miracles teacher, on the topic of heart opening to Jesus.

When you have the feeling that you are being touched by the truth, obviously you feel your heart opening up and in A Course in Miracles it is saying you do not need to believe in Jesus to benefit from this. It can be helpful for many people, very helpful inroads and of course there are many devoted Christians that I have met all over the world, lots of them in South America, they were just so passionate and everything but even among them, they have gone through so much intensity in this world, wars, starvation, disease, and death. They have gone through these things like hierarchies that were just set up to follow — these hierarchies to Jesus, like you are walking up a ladder. There is so much corruption and so many things done in the name of Jesus that do not seem very loving at all.

So I find it in Europe in particular a lot of times people say I do not feel any kind of connection, it is a turn-off instead of a turn-on and it is quite common over here. For me, I was raised in Christianity but it was something that took I think it was much later in my life, when I was in university that I started to have this awakening experience with A Course in Miracles and I started to open up and have a connection with Jesus for the first time. It was not the historical Jesus it was with the Jesus in my heart. That is that good feeling when we say we have a relationship with Jesus. Maybe in your experience you are opening up to the truth, it resonates in your heart, that when you bring in the word Jesus or the Holy Spirit it is like an alien has landed or something,  like Oh, hi who are you? Or a kind of thing like that, but the most important thing is your heart opening up. I find that there are so many people who have had Jesus on a pedestal, and even a lot of Christians and Catholics have told me they are quite afraid of Jesus.

It is interesting, the flip side, you are not feeling anything in particular.  They are feeling fear, they can relate to Mary, they can relate to angels, feeling like someone is watching over me. So at least you are more in a neutral position, not in the fear mode, to have to overcome all that. So when you asked that question I just had Jesus inside me. You know the song Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright oh yeah?  That's how playful Jesus is with me, He has a little Jesus song going in there, feel like rocking and grooving in there, He is so playful, friendly, so funny, so humorous and for many they have to peel away a lot of conditioning around Jesus being something else.

To learn more about the teachings of A Course in Miracles and David Hoffmeister, please visit his website at www.davidhoffmeister.com

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